- Entrants will use their highest USBC certified average, or non-sanctioned league average – minimum 21 games for last season. Any averages from non-sanctioned leagues must be accompanied by a league standing sheet.
- If no average last season, use current season sanctioned or non-sanctioned average (minimum 21 games) at the time of entry. If you do not have 21 games at time of entry, use 21 games at the time of bowling.
- If no average last season or for the current season bowler must use their 15 game established average in the Elks National Bowling Tournament. Any bowler that averages (for a three year period) more than 20% above submitted average will be assigned his or her Tournament average.
- If none of the above, bowler will be assigned 170 average.
- Rules 319a-2 apply. If current average ( min. 21 games) at the time of bowling is ten or more pins above entering average, then current average must be used.
Bowlers are responsible for verifying their own average, whether submitted by the bowler, the team captain or others. If submitted average is lower than required and results in a lower classification or more handicap, the bowler’s score is disqualified. If the submitted average is higher than required, prize winnings will be based on the submitted average. In the case of teams of two or more bowlers, the averages shall be combined to determine whether the correct total is higher or lower than the submitted total.
All entrants are subject to re-rating in accordance with the USBC Rule 319 D & E (see USBC Rule Book for details). No tournament prize winnings during the previous 12 months need be reported. Tournament management reserves the right to re-rate any entrant prior to or after bowling, any bowler bowling more than 20% above an average that is not verifiable, will be re-rated to an incoming average of 20% of above that incoming average with a maximum of 200.